My Highlights of E3 2019 (So Far)

  E3 has morphed quite a lot since it became the main floor for publishers to announce their games but it is still a hub to show off what's coming, except for Sony.  They did their shit last week.  There are a million things to cover and I have so much time so I'll be covering what I have cared about so far in a very brief way.


Apex Legends

  This BR is one of my recent favorites and I think one of the better ones out there.  The one predominant issue is the content has been a little threadbare.  This was acknowledged by the team and not only have we received some last minute gifts for purchasing the season pass but they have rehashed the pass in general.  The season pass is now going to be achievement based rather than time-based, so you can have an actual life outside the game.  We are getting a new champion who looks interesting and they hinted at map changes and game modes.  This is yes, yes and more yes.  Last but certainly not least is the upcoming rank mode, I am all about it. 

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 

  Finally, we are getting a new Star Wars Game and after the recent performance of the last few releases of the franchise, EA most likely has their back up against the wall with this.  I am cautiously optimistic as we have seen what EA can do to great title and franchise.  Not a good thing.  The gameplay looks good and reminds me of some the classic games I absolutely loved.  I'm encouraged to go back and play a few of them but this title still has to prove itself to me before I want it.  The gameplay looked fun, it looked smooth, it looked good, but so did Battlefront 2. 


Halo Infinite

  I have fallen off the Halo scene for a while, mostly because I have moved to PC gaming.  Now that Microsoft is bringing their beloved franchise to the PC its time to step back into one of my favorite protagonists.  The Master Chief is back and looks to be the flagship of the new Scarlet console Microsoft has made.  I feel like there is going to be a lot of Halo in the future as the classics are coming to PC beforehand.  Needless to say, I am excited.  I played up to Halo 3 and loved them all.  I am hoping they can keep the game alive with these new iterations. 

Game Pass for PC

  Living in a world that you don't own your games scares me a little.  That is till I look at my library and see the hundreds of games I most likely will never play.  Life doesn't allow me to play like I use to so maybe a rental system is the way to go.  On top of that, the price is going to be really hard to beat at only $5 a month.  There were also promises of discounts on new releases, something I am all about.  The price has really nudged me forward and it looks like I am going in on it.  Not to mention the first month is $1 for a limited time. 

CD Projekt Red

Cyberpunk 2077

  I wrote a blog post last year when I was under the impression that Projekt Red had enough time in their dev cycle to be on the verge of releasing their game.  I was off by two years.  Now that we have a data I don't have to guess anymore on a game that I have been looking forward two since they announced it almost a decade ago (No joke 8 years so you'll excuse me for being a little off).  Thankfully the game didn't go the way of StarCraft Ghost and we have a release date for April of next year.     

  There has been a lot more announced but a lot of it has already sifted through my attention.  The new Watch Dogs looked interesting with the dynamic of having multiple playable characters.  I wouldn't mind seeing some gameplay though.  I carry that same sentiment for most games that have been shown.  I might go over Ubisoft's again and I'm still working my way through the PC showcase.  Nintendo will be the next I cover for sure. 
