FIFA 2018 Demo

  Fun fact I won a free copy of FIFA 17 last year but unfortunately, it was on Xbox One and since I only played PC at the time I had to pass it to a friend.  It did occur to me that I haven't actually owned a copy of FIFA for a minute but mostly played it through friends.  Recently I have been getting a lot more into soccer so this title keeps creeping into my mind.  It also seems like the perfect type of game to play on the Switch.  Origin was hosting the demo for FIFA 2018 by Electronic Arts, EA Sports, EA Canada so I took a look.

  I know sports games aren't for everyone but I forgot how much I liked them.  It's also been a few years since I have played a FIFA and they have definitely improved a lot of aspects of the game from what I remember.  The new dribbling system feels good and you really feel like you have control over your player.  It's surprising that stuff like crossing has taken so long to get into games but its there and works from what I have played.

  The first match that I played was between Manchester United and Toronto FC.  As an MLS fan, FC is one of my least favorite teams because I really am not a fan of Bradley but I won't get into that right now.  One of the reasons I wanted to do this is because I wanted to see if I could feel the difference between a good team and a bad team.  You definitely can.  You can almost feel the difference between players too based off if you are sprinting, passing, or shooting.  The player follows your command but the better players just seem to have more juice.

  The story mode seems interesting as you can play through the story of Hunter who looked to be getting a future at Real Madrid only to have it fall apart.  The introduction of a single player story mode is something that helps the sports genre to make each year distinguishable enough to buy.  `The story mode is not available on the Switch though.  This has something to do with the engine it uses to run on.

  This game does have a low floor/high ceiling feel towards it. Anyone can most likely pop into this game and figure out the controls and how not to just dive for the ball.  I think when you get to the longer game and start messing around with the player's energy it will be a bit more complex. If you look at the move lists you will definitely see the game gets pretty deep with what you can do so there is a lot of room for improvement if you want it.  The fact you can set your players to counter before you make the first pass is pretty cool.

  The one thing really holding me back is for the ultimate teams you are able to buy FIFA coins with RL money.  This basically means that if I don't spend money I am most likely going to be set behind players who have.  Then again, if I get it on the Switch I don't see a lot of online play compared to playing with friends.  I just hate microtransactions in full titles.  It makes the game look tacky.

  So what it appears you are getting with FIFA 2018 is another sports game.  It's a well put together game because it's a compound result of all the games before it built on one another.  If you have already gotten stale with this genre I am not seeing anything that groundbreaking to jump back in but for people like myself, it could be a title to pick up.  I am still not sure why they don't just make a game then patch it every year with the updates or dlc. 
