If this is your first time here or I don't make it obvious enough I am a fan of anime. I have reviewed graphic novels and I may or may not be proud of it. (I enjoyed the clicks) Anyways, "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?" was pretty good anime. It was your typical young spirited hero wanting to be greater then he was becoming strong. When I saw there was a mobile game about it by the name of Memoria Freese by Ellation Inc. and also with a Crunchyroll tag in the opening screens I figured it could be an ok mobile game.
What's a Cash Grab?

Well, it's a mobile game. It's your standard hero collector, play through dungeons, level heroes, and spend money to get more heroes from loot boxes. There isn't too much original around it or different besides a few aspects.
One aspect is there is a way to level characters outside of dungeons. It's just as simple as talking to them but it makes for a neat little mechanic I haven't seen before. You are able to do this at the home base, which isn't just a static map with a clickable building but a town you can move your character right or left through. You have the UI that will get you to places as well but at least there is a more interactive way of doing everything.

Another unique aspect, which in no way is positive, is the premium currency is split into two types. Free and paid. There is a currency of gold, which you need for upgrades, but now they have taken the bullshit step of separating free premium and paid premium. That's right, those small, insignificant amounts, of premium currency these crap games give you can't even be used in some cases because you didn't pay for it. (I had originally written a Jim Sterling type angry rant here but I'll save you all time)

The anime itself is a pretty cool anime in my o so humble opinion but playing through the story piece by piece while having to do some pay to win RPG action is not a winning formula. Especially since all of the story I have played through in the game is a shortened rehash of the anime. In fact, they take the assets of the anime and it doesn't even feel they are consistent with what scene or part of the anime they are from.

I really wanted to like this game because of how much I enjoyed the anime but this is a mobile cash crab. If you like the anime in a religious way you might grab some enjoyment from this but outside of extreme fandom, and if you have played any other hero collector game ever, there is nothing unique here. I always try to play a few hours of these and this another one that was rough, especially because of some high hopes I regret having. Unless you are an extreme fan, there are better versions of hero collecting games out there so I would say move on.
DanMachi - Memoria Freese is a hero collecting game that they plugged assets of great anime on in hopes fandom would propel us to sink money on an otherwise empty game. Unless you really need to rehash the anime in graphic novel game form.
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