Nintendo Direct 9.13.2018 Recap

  Nintendo has become a pit for my money and the Nintendo Directs give me ample time to stash a little away to make sure I can eat and game.    As always I am going to hit each point very quickly because I don't want to write a novel.

  I have for some reasoned missed Luigi's mansion thus far and from what I hear I am missing quite a bit.  The third title is most likely going to be my entry point but I am not too excited to grab it.

  Megaman 11 had slipped my mind but from what I have seen so far should be something I play.  The classic Megaman were great games and a quick visit back to the 2-D platforming world could be fun. It's on my maybe list.

  While I had Mario Tennis was okay it started to fall flat after some time.  There just didn't feel like a compelling reason to keep playing and I am not sure the additional content coming out, like rackets and co-op challenges, has changed that.

  The Capcom Beat Um Ups is a must buy for me. Doing some retro reviews on these would just be fun. These games were a part of my childhood so Capcom can milk more of nostalgia.

  Super Mario U looks to be interesting enough to pick up.  I did raise an eyebrow on the character who doesn't take damage from enemies.  Guess that's for the youngins.

  When they brought up Nintendo Online, it was kind of funny that they called playing online one of the features, which was free before this. None the less, here it is and the classic games catalog looks pretty cool. I will be sinking some hours back into Dr.Mario at the very least. Cloud saves have been needed for a while and I am glad they are finally here.  The prices are also pretty great too.

  I have already talked about Let's Go enough and its been pre-ordered.

  Demon X Machina looks pretty cool.  Mech games can be pretty fun and this one looks to have some good gameplay.

  Yoshi's Crafted World has a cool aesthetic but after Kirby, I am worried about a lack of difficulty.

  Final Fantasy Crystal Chronical was an awesome game and I cant wait to play it again. Along with all of the other Final Fantasies coming to the Switch because why not.

  There was plenty of stuff this time around to keep me excited by the Switch.  I didn't forget about Animal Crossing there just wasn't much to it.
