Deus Ex Go Review

  In the mobile world, there are some games that step away from the freemium model and deliver an actual game.  I really liked Tomb Raider GO and I saw that Deus Ex Go was made by Square Enix Montreal as well.  While Deus Ex pulled in a little more of the freemium bullshit, it provided a pretty fun little experience for a buck.

Simple but Satisfying

  Deus Ex Go is a very simple game.  You will be moving through several levels, which are puzzles to get from the starting node to the end node.  To do this you will have to dodge guards and security systems that are trying to stop you one move at a time.  There are different abilities that you can pick up from the board that you will need to use to solve these puzzle as well.  For example, there is an ability to go invisible for a space so you can close in on an enemy or dodge a turret.  Each puzzle has an optimal solution and you are rewarded with a gold completion if you can find it.

  While the game is simple, much like Tomb Raider GO there is a lot of complexity.  You need to plan ahead and be able to run all the scenarios in your head before moving.  It really can be a brain teaser at times and each level is nice and short.  It's a game you can put down and pick up at any time.

  Tomb Raider had more interesting level layouts but Deus Ex Go comes with levels that are designed by the community as well, so potentially a lot more levels.  They also added some microtransactions where you can buy solutions or an ability to undo your last move.  None of it is necessary.   

  It's a few years old and it's not the flashiest game on mobile but it's one that has an ending and getting to it is entertaining.  The puzzles are fair and there is enough variation it doesn't feel repetitive or stagnant.  Deus Ex Go is just a reminder that dropping a buck for a game can be more than a worthwhile venture. 


  Deus Ex Go is a nice little puzzle mobile game for a nice little price. 
