Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Demo

  Many hours have been sunk into Monster Hunter World and for the most part, I have enjoyed it.    This game has got me interested in Monster Hunter so I wanted to take another shot on the series with the game coming out for the Switch, Monster Hunter Generations by Capcom.  I knew it was going to be a step back but I wasn't sure I was ready for this.  This is coming from the perspective of someone who first jumped in with World for PC.

Patience is a Virtue

  Friends of mine who have been a fan of the series for a while have been telling me that the newest iteration of the game has improved a lot of the gameplay of Monster Hunter.  What I found from the demo is they were not kidding with this sentiment.  In World, the movements are pretty slow and clunky with simple things like moving while drinking a potion missing from this version of the title.  Some movement already felt kind of clunky but in this version, it's even more so.

  The demo on the Switch has three fights ranging from easy to hard and I made it through intermediate mode until I had enough.  There are a lot of similar mechanics as in the new title but for some reason, I feel so lost in the combat. I am not sure if it's just that much more difficult or I just need practice.  The second fight was a wyvern that fought with frost and would jump all over the place;  so much it was hard to do any damage to him at all.  His attacks would hit me constantly and I was failing to dodge them no matter what I did.  As melee, this was very frustrating.  If there is a better way of dodging it was never presented and really turned me off.

  Ultimate was originally a DS game and the graphics show it.  The high octagons and basic terrain contrast the stunning visuals I am used to.  I know the Switch can't handle much but the surroundings really felt threadbare.  After having played through Breath of the Wild, I know what this system can handle so it was a little disappointing.  Not to mention there is a load screen between areas within a map.  With the monsters constantly flying between them, it's going to require some patience. 

  It still isn't a bad game and I could see it being fun with some practice but this is far and away not the title I have been playing.  It seems like this title is going to be a bit more difficult and a part of me welcomes this challenge but then another part of me is worried that it just might be too much.  It's just too much doubt for a title that is a remake at a full retail price.  Maybe if it was on sale, maybe if I was an older fan, but it just doesn't look like something I can sink my teeth into. 


  I knew I was taking a step back from the Monster Hunter World but I was not sure I was expecting this.  It's not a terrible game it's just not that accessable for someone spoiled by the newest title.
