Emulators and Roms: How Art Dies to Greed

  Jim Sterling released a video a few days ago that hits on one of my nerves in the gaming industry.  There are many of us that consider video games a form of art.  It reflects the reality of the situation because games are a form of someone taking you into their mind and, through a digital medium, expressing themselves.  Like authors to a book, those who have created video games have put themselves out into the world in order to share with us something special.  Something that can sometimes only be played on a particular medium and when that medium dies, the story can die with it.

  While books that are considered classics are easy to find online, many times for free, games that captured our imagination when they had little more than 16-bit pixels to work with are becoming almost completely inaccessible.  Especially when owned by Nintendo.  I like Nintendo.  In fact, I am a fanboy but like the SO who craps the bed every night after a bender there are some things that this company does that is just beyond dumb and it's right that we call them out for their absolute dumb behavior.

  If you missed it, Nintendo has taken it up to stage an all-out war against ROMs on the internet.(pcworld.com)  They have seen it necessary to take on the last bastion for those who fell in love with their products while young and hope to recreate those experiences. Apologists like myself are hoping that with the new Nintendo Online service for the Switch we will see something of a classic arcade.  The fear is Nintendo will just grab from their own bag of games, leaving out several classics that will not see the light of day like Ogre Battle, one of my personal favorites.

  Let's be honest though, Nintendo with Kimishima at the helm had not been the most forward-thinking company, only recently allowing 3rd party titles to fill the massive gaps they have with the lack of games they produce the first party.  I am hoping the new President (fortune.com) can see a little further than his near cited banker predecessor.  The opportunity for them to rectify their past behaviors of shitting on the history that created them could be rectified with Nintendo Online but I am not going to get my hopes up.
