There is viral marketing and then there is successful viral marketing. I have seen a lot of companies try and fail but today I saw the definition of success. After hours of streaming random text to an average of 40 thousand viewers all day, a load bar appeared on CDProjectRed's twitch stream and the channel blew up. Then we got a glimpse of Cyberpunks2077 gameplay and it looked really good.
At E3 this year there was a closed section that included the first glimpse of gameplay. What we saw today was basically what was presented then but with scripted gameplay. This makes sense because they were obviously trying to give a glimpse of where this game was at and where it was headed. It was something awesome to see during work today but I really would have like a NSFW tag so there wasn't a chance of some computer generated nipples being seen by a coworker and causing trouble. This is just a hobby because I have a job, and I'd like to keep it that way.
I can't express how excited I am about this game and it's being done by a studio that can deliver. Not just on its advertising but on the product they make in the end. While I misjudged their production timeline and called for the game this year, I still don't think we are more than 2 years from a release. If the game continues as is, it is looking to be game of the year, whatever year they drop it.
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