Dungeon Hunter Champions Review

    The MOBA genre has taken a bit of a back seat from its once prominent spot on the top of games played and streamed.  They haven't completely fallen off the map and have been seeing many attempts at the genre on the mobile market.  Gameloft has taken their crack at it with Dungeon master Champions. 

Everything You Expect in Mobile Game

  When I say everything you expect in a mobile game I am not saying it as some great compliment but more in the literal sense.  Dungeon Hunter Champions pulls all the same elements you see in almost every other mobile game.  You collect heroes, run missions from a map, gain items to equip hero, all backed by an expensive premium currency.  You have the ability to turn on an auto mode where the character will quest without you and in my opinion takes you out of the gaming experience.  They did add an incentive to be involved with treasure chests sprinkled through the levels that have the auto champion will skip. 

  What is supposed to set this game apart is that it has a MOBA map.  The problem is, you have to slog through a bunch of other crap before you even get to play.  There is an energy gauge and each mission requires you to use some in order to do them.  Fortunately, you get enough from the start to get through the first board.  The trick is caring enough about the game to make it through the first board. 

  After making it through the first board and 7 missions of the second I unlocked the MOBA PVP mode.  While MOBAs can take a long time they broke it down in a way where it doesn't nearly take as long, although you should expect to sit through about 10 minutes of game.  There isn't any gear, leveling is quick, and the towers don't take that much damage.  They also have only one set of towers in the base.  I am not sure how pay-to-win this game is though because you have some champions with higher rarity scores than others.  How big a difference it made is hard to tell as people in this game are pretty bad.  

The Controls 

  Mobile games quite often come with the limitation of how much control you can have over a character.  The joystick and side buttons have been used as a solution and in this game, it works pretty well.  I felt my movements made sense, the buttons were responsive, and it was very playable.  Once again there is an auto button so you can completely ignore the controls if you want to let the gameplay for you, except in the MOBA mode.  

  The assets of this game are also pretty well done.  The graphics are clean, the game plays smoothly on my Samsung S8+, and it felt like I was looking at something that people had spent time on.  The levels themselves have quite a bit of detail and movement, far more then you see with its competitors.

  While the games MOBA mode was entertaining it still is pretty bogged down with the mobile loot crate, constant 'achievements' that give loot, and other garbage that just seems to clutter the experience up with a lot of unnecessary things.  I am not sure this game is for me but I can definitely see it being in the wheelhouse off people who want a MOBA to go.  If you can get past the clutter its not a bad experience. 


  Dungeon Hunter Champions is a hero collecting game with a decent MOBA mode added in.  It's not a bad option if you are looking for a MOBA fix
