It feels like every couple of weeks I find a new Final Fantasy game that has been released for mobile. None of them tend to spend any real time on my phone for a multitude of reasons but I always like to give them a chance. Mostly because I am stuck between games. So here we are with Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia by Square Enix Co., Ltd., Koei Tecmo Games, and Team Ninja.
Is Mediocre Good at this Point

My first impression of this game beyond the intro was just walls of alerts. For some reason, they decide to assault you with every alert ever of every event before you get to start playing. Don't get me wrong I like spam as much as the next guy but this took it to a level of irritation that it just put a terrible taste in my mouth to start the game.

Once I got past the crap I got into the game, which is your standard hero collection mobile game. You will have a map where you take your heroes that you can find or unlock through loot crates. The combat is a simple RPG style combat where you pick between three moves to do damage. Selecting the right moves can cause a break on an enemy, allowing you to do more damage. This will allow you to be strategic or you can just say fuck it and hit auto-battle. Then the game just becomes a hero babysitting game. There are also summons but I hardly used it because most of the time I was "playing" the phone was on the table only to be visited between Fortnite rounds.
Some Stories Work Better Than Others

The premise of this game is the gods decided to take the fighting heroes from all the worlds and stick them on this one to fight one another. The great crystal decided to give them a reprieve and now they are gathering together to fight against the forces making them battle. It sounds like a decent start but you find out quickly it's just the excuse to stick all the heroes from Final Fantasy together. They are begging for some nostalgia tripping but the way they deliver it is pretty dumb. When you first find the a new hero, like Tifa, her name is ???, like we don't know one of the most iconic Final Fantasy players. A blonde guy with a giant sword? Who could that be?? Pikachu?

The graphics are old PS1 style graphics that sorta work on mobile. Not bad but not great. The combat shows some flash and flair but like any Final Fantasy it gets repetitive and gets old after seeing it repeated several times. They also abuse the Final Fantasy music of the past. I think this was another shot for nostalgia but it doesn't really come off well in a game that just feels rushed and patched together.
All of this is just mixed in with the classic mobile loot box crap. Expensive currency stands between you and things that go away after events, trying to force you to take as many gambles as possible in a short amount of time. You can't even guarantee your loot, which is the worst. It's just obnoxious and abused in every free mobile game.
This is just another version of the same game but this time with Final Fantasy. It really doesn't have redeming quality but its also not broken, which isn't saying much as it is over a year old. This is a pass unless you just need it.
Its just another bad mobile Final Fantasy game for the mobile platform only meant for hardcore fans who don't care.
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