My Take On Square Enix E3 Presentation (2018)

First off thank you, Square Enix, for making this short.  I was out all day so that means tomorrow and the rest of the week I am playing catch up.  Excuses aside, I didn't mind that the conference was just a video.  It works and I get the info I want.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

  As I stated with the Microsoft conference I haven't played any of these titles but the newest one really has me interested.  The demo of gameplay reminds me of Splinter Cell, which I was a huge fan of until I feel like the gameplay fell off in the later titles.  Just have to get that free time everyone is talking about.

Final Fantasy XIV

  I played this game hardcore for several years and is one of the reasons I am so far behind on all my catalogs.  The stuff they showed looks cool but it's going to take a lot to make me go back to an MMO.  They have become such demanding time vampires.  If I was still playing I would have been excited, just can't see myself doing it again. 

Captain Strange

  I didn't like Life is Stange.  Didn't relate, not sure I'd dig this at all.

Dragon Quest XI

  I am always down for a JRPG and I like the Dragon Quest world so this is a pick up for me.  The cell shaded graphics aren't mind blowing, which made me think it could hit the Switch at one point.  If not it's going to PC so that is where I'll pick it up.

Babylon's Fall

  Looks like a new IP by PlatinumGames who were behind Bayonetta and Nier. Yes, please.

Octopath Traveler

  Through their early alpha play to now, I have been greatly anticipating this game.  I already pre-ordered so I am biased here.

Just Cause 4

 It looks, wub wub wub, okay.  Its pretty but I haven't delved into Just Cause yet.  It looks to be what you would expect out of these titles.  A sandbox world where you do stuff... they never seem to cover this.

The Quiet Man

  Is this a live action video game?  I thought these died. Maybe they didn't have gameplay footage yet.

Kingdom Hearts 3

  This game looks really good.  Kingdom Hearts has been a well known, well put together RPG, and this looks like it will continue the tradition.  It looks like they will be adding some of the newest Disney heroes as well as adding in that nostalgia kick of the classics.  This is going to be a game I set aside time for. 

  This presentation was mostly what was expected with Babylon's Fall being the standout game to look for.   The rest of the titles look good but nothing too amazing in my book.   That being said, I think this might be the year I am drawn into Tomb Raider and I will be picking up Kingdom Hearts 3 and Octopath Traveler.  
