My Take On Microsoft's E3 Presentation (2018)

  This year E3 is well underway and like last year I want to cover some of what I found to be the highlights.  Microsoft put together a straightforward, very professional, non-cringe inducing show.  They packed it with content and some explanations.  They didn't try to be cool, they just tried to show, and it came off pretty cool.

Fallout 76

  We still don't know too much about this title other then it will be a building game, maybe.  I am sure the details will be in the Bethesda production.

Kingdom Hearts 3

  We got some info about frozen but this title will be a slow leak.  The voice acting teased so far didn't excite me and the lines so far, well they go along with the games even though they came off a little sappy.  As long as they follow the formula that has worked with the previous titles, I think they will be fine.  

Forza 4 

  I will care once I see the framerate isn't terrible. The last one they released for PC turned me off.  They apparently fixed it but it hasn't pulled me back in.  

Division 2

  The game looks good and I liked the Division even when it came out.  It did get old after some time but I was not in the faction of people who disliked it.  The bugs weren't so bad the game was dead to me, I didn't mind the bullet sponging, but the lack of endgame was a bit obnoxious.  From what I hear it improved dramatically.  I have put it back on PC to check it out and if they keep the lessons learned, it should be a good title.

Tomb Raider

  These most recent Tomb Raider titles have looked amazing and they have been rated well.  I haven't played any but it looks good.  So there is that.


  It's not Skate, it's not Tony Hawk, but I will be keeping an eye on it.  I miss skating games and a new one couldn't hurt.  They just need to make sure they get the soundtrack right and allow me to ride a darkslide on the edge of the grand canyon.


  I am a huge fanboy of the Devil May Cry series.  I love hack and slash and the last few iterations have been a pretty good time for me.  They just need to have a game with demons that come in waves and die the same. 

Jump Force

  Not sure how I feel about yet another manga fighting game.  It hits some nostalgia strings but I am not sure it's that attractive.

Dying Light 2 

 Made me want to play Dying Light.  I never played the first one but this version has added some interesting RPG elements that interest me.  Somewhere on my gaming PC, it's on there.

Gear of...

  Cheba/Tactics/War 5.  I have been pretty checked out of this series since 3 but now that I can play on PC it might be something to get back into someday.  The tactics game looks interesting but I need to face the fact that, with the limited time I have, the most experience I will have will be mobile.

Cyberpunk 2077

  The highlight of this whole thing for me.  We didn't get a lot but a really cool looking teaser.  A cyberpunk witcher could just be something we all needed without knowing we needed it.  This is one I have been following closely and I think we will be getting some more info on it.  If we don't see it from a presentation it might be at their booth and we can get some second hand reporting  If you didn't see it in the trailer make sure to make your way to

  Microsoft once again looks to be riding some of its older titles without trying anything new.   Some of the best games in this conference are not their exclusives.  It's curious as their console seems to be in need of some titles that can carry them beyond the same old ones.  The presentation was still a solid one and I hope more people take note.  The games can hype themselves.

I am going to circle back on the EA conference and do a write up hopefully before the Ubisoft.
