My Take On Bethesda's E3 Presentation (2018)

  This conference is going to be one of the most talked about of E3.  From awkward pauses to f-bombs, to Andrew W.K. there was a lot that happened.  Personally, I enjoyed it and I am excited to talk about a few upcoming titles.


  I never played the first one but this looks awesome.  I really enjoy that the game looks to be going more the approach of the over-powered hero who must fight the over-powered enemies while mowing over the lesser ones.  It reminds me of the shooters like Duke Nukem that I can't get enough of.   While there are a lot of post-apocalyptic games out there this could be one of the good ones.

ESO and Legends

  I am MMOed out and do not have the stomach for another, even though it looks like it got better.  I am going to try out the card game over the next few days while I don't have my gaming PC but I am not sure I am excited about playing it.

DOOM Eternal

  If it is anything like the last DOOM, it should be a good game.  

Quake Champions

  You apparently want to download Quake right now for a free mode forever but then something tells me it's going to be pretty limited.  I liked Quake back in the day but I am a little worried that the shooter arena is not aging as well amongst all FPS.  It looks good and it has some draw.  Just feeling now it's going the way of the RTS.  The Quake community is not dead and I think if they can revive an E-Sports scene they could breathe some fresh life into a classic title developed with better graphics.


  Didn't play, the new stuff looks fun but not enough to play.


  He said the word FUCK! and that its going to be on the Switch!  Not where I would want to play Wolfenstein: The New Colossus but its an option.  I played the first one but a few of my favorite critics had such a mediocre reaction to the second it has stayed on my wishlist and not yet move.  I'll get to it eventually but the Wolfenstein: The New order was so good I don't want to lose that taste. 

 The co-op title sounds interesting.  Youngblood is going to be an interesting take with two female protagonists who look to working on the streets in the south.  A region you would have believed would have rebelled hard.   I look forward to more gameplay footage. 

Fallout 76

  This game looks really interesting.  An online Fallout experience that looks like a hybrid survival game with nuclear weapons.  It's really hard to know while we now have more of an idea. I can't help but think it sounds something like Rust but with nukes.  It depends on how the servers will run and what character progression feels like to really know and the beta will give everyone an idea of what we are actually getting.  A straight multiplayer Bethesda game that is not an MMO does sound appealing.

The Elder Scroll: Blades

  This game is going to get the most flak but as someone who has little time for real games, taking games like this with me on the road is a cool idea.  This game looks like an awesome mobile experience and the fact it cross-platform could make something unique.  I have long wanted a game I could be playing on the road and then get home to further experience on my gaming PC; the fact its VR is even better.  This seems to be like a test on how possible this gameplay experience is and I am glad its Bethesda who is taking that step.

Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI

  What a tease but it will be fun to follow both titles.

  While I sit here F5ing the shit out of their site I will say I enjoyed this one.  There were some corny moments but I really didn't think they were all that bad.  There are a lot of high powered games coming out and I have to say I am pretty excited about them.   It will be interesting to see what they have created while dabbling in VR and I am getting the feeling they are just testing the waters to see what flavor we enjoy.  This was a pretty great presentation in my mind and so far my favorite of the 3 that have been done.  
