A Golf Story Review

  When the Switch first came out, indie titles were killing it on the console.  It had to do with the lack of triple AAA games but it also had to do with the titles that were making their way on to the Nintendo store.  A lot of these titles required little as far as graphics were concerned and Golf Story by Sidebar Games fit this bill.  It was perfect for the Switch.

An Old School Game

 Golf Story doesn't just look like your old-school game, it plays like it.  Many of us can remember golf games based on a bar where a slider indicated how far or how accurate you hit the ball.  This game brings its own slider in that controls both.  Although it felt the results were a lot more random then you would expect.

   My mostly unpredictable swing, if I was slightly off, could be because I fucked up my stats even though I felt it was balanced.  You gain level by getting XP by NPCs with golf challenges or treasure hunts.  XP can also be gained by just playing the courses.  Every level you can add five stats to your player.  The balance is that every 2 points into power will lower points in the other four stats.  It's a balancing act that I am not sure I ever felt the net effect of.

 This variety in gameplay makes it feel like you are not just doing the same thing over and over again.  While nice in variation there are some challenges in the game I found to be just too frustratingly hard.  There is a put one from the beginning that I left undone because I just didn't get how it worked.

  The graphics are old school 8-bit but they worked.  The sound assets are light and simple, nothing too great, nothing terrible.  The story is corny as hell and I feel the protagonist was shit on a little too much even when he became the champion. 

  One of the reasons I picked up this title was the hype around it on the subreddit and the fact it was a best seller for a time.  I don't believe it lived up to the hype although I think it was a pretty good game.  It's a simple game with a simple premise and if you are looking for a taste of old school it has it just not in spades.  Pick it up on the Switch if you are looking for a unique little RPG and definitely think about it if it goes on sale.


  Golf Story really didn't live up to the hype it was given by the Switch community but it was still an okay game, if not a little frustrating. 
