Alliance: Hero of the Spire Review

  Sometimes I wonder why people are beating this old dead horse of hero collection RPGs on the mobile platform.  I have to assume there a lot of money involved because these games are 9 out of 10 times the game you are about to download.  Alliance: Heroes of the Spire by Rumble is one of the 9 out of 10.

They Tried...No They Didn't

  Alliance is your standard mobile game filled with your premium currency you can buy with real money or the in-game currency that allows you to buy certain things that of course are not the premium content.  This one features a small town you will pivot off of to go on adventures with your party of heroes that you collected.  It's all pretty standard, all been done, and really nothing special.  The one thing they tried to advertise that makes this game distinct from the other games is that you will be fighting epic bosses with your party. 

The boss fights fall away to one of my biggest gripes in the mobile game market and that is the auto-battle.  Your heroes have different attacks that you can trigger to do more damage but with the simple push of the auto-battle, they do it for you.  In fact, right now I have them going through more dungeons in the desperate search for something fun to report into this blog.  Much like this article, the game leaves so little content to talk about that isn't something you would just find in any run of the mill mobile game.

Something Something Loot Crates

  You collect your heros from loot crates, you level those heroes with copies of themselves, and you find weapons that will also power up your character.  You can also meld lesser character to stronger character to level them up.  I really could have just copied and pasted this from one of the last 100 mobile games I have tried out. How is this not somehow just a blatant copyright ripoff and can someone please fucking sue to make this stop?

  This game is such a generic copy of the genre I had to pick it up again several times just to remember what was in the game.  The graphics are okay and the sound assets are nothing to speak of.  The story, if there is a comprehensive one, is so light on anything of substance its hardly worth noting. There just isn't anything to this game that would distinguish it from any other. 

  After giving Alliance several more hours of play then it deserves I can say hands down it is an easy pass. There is nothing in it that made it compelling, it was just easy to try out while I had free time here and there.  Unfortunately, it took away from other games that I could have been spending my time on, which on the mobile market is still down to the same trusty few.


  Alliance: Hero of the Spire is your standard hero collection RPG that you might accidentally download when you are simply trying to click on the hot chick on Instagram.  This one is like every other and I would not say is worth keeping on your phone. 
