I cannot express how much I love game demos. I feel like they are so critical, especially in this day, to let the player know if they are getting what they think they are. I will even go so far to say I see nothing wrong with pre-orders if publishers are going to let us experience the game first hand. Final Fantasy XV developed by Square Enix has been out for a while on console but PC ports are always iffy. Luckily we got a shot to try it out. I could have played longer but I stuck to an hour because I was sold at that point.
The Experience:
Story is one of the greatest driving forces for me when it comes to games. I do play a lot of multiplayer games but there is nothing like being taken into a whole new world on a grand adventure. This is something that Final Fantasy has been well known for and is the reason I have been a long time fan of the series. Final Fantasy XV is looking to be no different.
The game gives you the option to do a tutorial, which I went ahead and tried. I am glad I did because this combat system is pretty rich. The attack and defense are broken down to holding a button and then a character will auto attack or defend. This almost too basic but then you have the ability to flash charge and a whole team of allies you can command. Combat in this Final Fantasy is a game of reflex as well as planning.
The game looks amazing and it ran pretty well on my PC. I am still working with a GTX 980 but I was able to maintain 60 for most of the gameplay. In the middle of fights, when things were getting graphics heavy, I would drop but never saw it below 50. There was a little bit of popping in the far off distance but it wasn't anything drastic.
The music fits the atmosphere and the voice acting so far is pretty good. I did Japanese voice acting to show the world I am not a weeb. The writing to this point is on and I am enjoying it. I am questioning myself less about whether I am being just a fanboy at this point and think it's just generally good. There is also something that goes off in the nostalgia part of my brain whenever I see the new Cid, who now has a hot mechanic daughter. Not sure if we needed it but it is welcome.
The world was a lot more of an open world then what we got was from thirteen. Already there is plenty of going on the map but it's not overwhelming. The interface is clean and while there is a lot of options, upgrades, and gear screens, they are all in their place and easy to find. The game gives hints of being pretty deep but not over cumbersome.
PC ports always make me a little weak in the knees because they have a tendency to disappoint. Square Enix was spot on by allowing us to try the game out in the demo and it pushed me over to the pre-order.(It comes out tomorrow) If you are an RPG fan you need to give this game a spin. Its a got a great feel to it and it is looking to be one of those solo adventures that can be enjoyed. I am looking forward to playing this game when I can actually download and play the whole thing.
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