Final Fantasy XV (PC) Review

  One of my favorite franchises that exist is the Final Fantasy series.  Each game is their own adventure yet pulls from a similar mythos that takes you into deeps and colorful worlds.  Final Fantasy XV not only upholds this standard but is one of the best titles in this line-up.  Warning: I am about to gush over this game.

The Game is Beautiful

  Consoles are on the cutting edge of technology but there is nothing out there that can keep up with the Frankenstein monsters we can build to play games.  This allows developers to add even more intricate detail that can be done anywhere else.  It also allows those of us who are lucky enough to or misuse student loans to optimize what gaming experiences can be.  Those working on Final Fantasy did not hold back.  The game looks incredible and once the inflated prices of GPUs go down I am coming back to the game for another playthrough with a 1080TI.  What I saw was gorgeous but the fact there is a 4k pack tells me this is not even the pinnacle of what the game offers.

  Once you get past the visual brilliance of the title you get to move onto the gameplay.  The combat style is an evolution of RPG and live action fighting.  You will play Noctis backed up by your three homeboys and protectors Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto.  While you only fight with Noct you can call your friends to do special moves.  While simple the combat offers enough with timed blocks and counters to keep it interesting.

  The game pulls a reverse FFXIII.  It starts out wide open where you can go and do any quests you think you can complete.  The story later thins out the area you can wander but this actually worked really well.  After I had spent so much time on the open road I wasn't sure that I was ready to take on a whole new area that could suck up the same time.  There was just so much to do and the quests were decently varied that the game did not feel lacking for content.

The Story Was On Point

  There have been some critics against the story as the end kind of leaves a lot open but to me this was great.  Going into the spoilers here:
Right before you head to finally meet with Lunafreya in Altissia things feel like they are lagging. You are just kind of maintaining, collecting weapons and doing soft strikes against the Empire. Then the summoning of Leviathan happens and you are plunged into darkness. The lightheartedness that built up, the comradery, the hopefulness all comes crashing down in a spiral. It took the affection I had built for these characters and ripped my heart in two. I felt the struggle of Noct as he tried to piece himself back together. I felt the emptiness and hopelessness and the frustration. To me, this part of the game was pretty well written
It helps that the voice acting was pretty good too.

  Final Fantasy usually brings a great side game into the fold but besides Chocobo racing and fishing there wasn't much.  I do think the fishing mechanic was really well done though.

  I really can't think off too much I would have changed.  Near the end of the game, it felt like the enemies hit with a ridiculous amount of force.  The skill trees asked for a metric shit ton of AP (the points you spend to unlock moves, abilities, etc..) for everything.  I am sure most of the time spent trying to 100% the game would be on those.  There were some fights were enemies just kept stacking on that could get kind of annoying but there was always the option to run.

  Really I could go on for a while but it wouldn't do anything more then just me be yammering on about how much I liked this game.  It was one of the better Final Fantasy and is right up there with VII as one of my favorites.  The characters were well developed, the combat was tight, and the game looked amazing.  If you have any inkling on this game I say buy it; give it a shot.  There is even a demo you can download on Steam if you are on the fence.  This was an all-around solid title.


  Final Fantasy XV was hands down one of the best Final Fantasy of the series.  Beautiful world, great combat, well-paced gameplay, and an awesome story.  Its the full package. 

