The Room 2 Review

  The Room Two by Fireproof Games is the successor of their great game The Room.  The first iteration was so entertaining to me that I could not resist picking this title up.  When it comes to puzzle games these games deserve nothing but high praise.  They are short and fulfilling ventures.

The Game:   

  Some games are just simple games and this is one of them.  You will be moving to several rooms that are littered with puzzles that need to be solved in order to escape.  By clicking on the puzzles you are able to zoom in and interact with them.  By twisting, turning, or placing the right object in the right spaces you will be given more clues or items to move you forward.  Some puzzles can be solved on their own while others require missing pieces.

  You will be armed with nothing more than a spyglass that can see things the naked eye cannot and an inventory where you can examine objects you find.  If you are having trouble finding the next step of the puzzle you are able to click a help button to get a hint on what to do next.  The game auto-saves after every move so when you load you will be right back to where you started. 

My Thoughts:

  The Room was an unexpected hit in my book and The Room Two does not disappoint.  The game drops you right back into that dark and eerie world littered with hints as to what is going on.  This time you are not stuck in one room but you will work your way through several others.  No longer is there just one focal point but several places around the room you will have to look over and experiment with.

 This time I played the whole game on my PC.  The controls were very tight and everything reacted in the way I would expect it to.  You saw the return of some puzzles but the amount and variety are very impressive and refreshing.  They also make you feel pretty bad ass when you figure them out.

  The graphics are good and when a puzzle moves it has a very steampunk feel.  There are now even some pretty cool cutscene events sprinkled in.  The ambiance really gives you a sense of tension.  It is all well done.

  The Room Two continues on with what they started with The Room.  They add even more puzzles and you get to move through new scenic rooms.  This time it feels more like an adventure without sacrificing the underlying puzzle game.  The devs took what they did well and improved on it.  Its available on IOS, Android, and PC so there are plenty of platforms to try it out.


  If you like The Room then The Room Two is a must get.  If you like puzzle games or escape rooms this game is a must get.  For everyone else, it is worth a try. 
