Let's Talk About Mental Health

  Tonight I had a post all set to talk about Xenosaga Chronicles 2 and how they tackled death and rebirth and the concept of identity.  It was a fun light exploration of religion and psychology but I think I should introduce the humbly small crowd who reads my stuff to a project that I personally find important.

  Mental health issues have always been a pariah especially here in the States.  We don't talk about it, we don't address it.  At least in my experience, we never addressed it in the way we should.  There is a great series coming out based on "Tackling Health Issues with the Power of Video Game" by checkpoint.org.au.

  This is an issue near and dear to my heart and while the first episode kinda reminds me of a 90s self-help ads, contains some pretty good content.

  Mental health is an issue that is something we are starting to take seriously.  This series uses our favorite hobby as a starting point to understand and relate to the subject matter.  I highly recommend you at least take a shot at the first video to see if this interests you in any way.  I think this content is long due and something we can use or at least know someone that can.

Here are the first two episodes if you are interested.

Intro to Mental Health!

The Clinical Research of Gaming
