Things I am Looking Forward to in 2018

  It's the end of another year and a winter steam sale.  This is the time where we look at our sad empty wallets and our 30 new titles on Steam and try to justify what we have done.  One thing we do know is 2017 brought us some great titles and 2018 seems to be holding on to some promise.  In the spirit of the new year, I wanted to go over a handful of titles that I am really looking forward to playing.

  Let's start off with some classic names that are coming to grace us with their presence once again.  Mega Man 11 is coming out in 2018 and it looks like a return to the old style platform game.  This is what Mega Man had done best for so long and it's exciting to see it return to form. The teasers so far look amazing and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.

  Another name that we have not heard in a while is Soul Calibur.  The 6th edition of the franchise is set to come out next year and it looks like the game I played way too much of.  No word so far if they were going to do a version for the Switch but I anticipate the PC release will be just fine for me.

  In March, we will finally get the long waited for Bloodstained.  Koji Igarashi, known for his work in Castlevania successfully backed this game with a Kickstarter that raised $5.5 million shattering the goal of $500k.  He proved that his style of 2-D gothic platformers was something that many of us still crave and I have high expectations for another great game in the spirit of Symphony of the Night.  I am most confident with this game because of the expertise of Koji and what he has delivered in the past.  That and I backed it so it's nice to see that money mean something.

  Cyberpunk 2077 just looks cool.  CD Project Red brought us the Witcher so I just assume this game is going to be amazing.

  One late surprise for me was Monster Hunter.  I have, for one reason or another, never delved into the series but I was glued to twitch during the beta watching people play.  The game looks like a blast and I cannot wait to get my hands on the PC release.

  A few games that are in the periphery are Octopath Traveler and the full Pokemon game for the Switch.  There are a few more here and there but nothing that has blown me away.

  I am going to be spending January and February refilling the coffers and getting ready for the upcoming onslaught of games in the Spring and Summer.  Hopefully, by then I will have finally finished one of the damn games I am working on.  Between Xenoblade Chronicles and Dark Souls 2 I feel like I don't have any more bandwidth.
